Religion God Guides Us. The fourth-grade program focuses on the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes.
Children should:
grow in understanding and appreciation of God’s call to eternal life and his ever-present and loving guidance.
choose to live the Commandments in the spirit of the Beatitudes.
th grade prayers:
Act of Contrition
Morning Offering
Way of the Cross
Reading Reading provides instruction for reading both literature and informational texts, for acquiring foundational skills, and for developing mastery of speaking, listening, and writing.
Focus is on:
Text-based Comprehension
Foundations Skills- Fluency and Decoding
Catholic Identity Elements
Catholic Social Teaching Themes
Mathematics The program cultivates conceptual understanding and procedural fluency with in-depth instruction in fundamental math concepts.
Students will learn:
Place Value
Addition and Subtraction
Multiply by One and Two Digits
Divide by One Digit
Fractions: Addition and Subtraction
Perimeter, Area, and Volume
Divide by Two Digits
Science Science Interactivities provide opportunities for learning.
Content includes:
Physical Science
Life Science
Earth Science
Social Studies Social Studies content of American states and regions delivered through grade level magazines that encourage close-reading strategies.