Religion Our Kindergartners will experience their religious education through many
activities. Prayer, stories and scripture will be highlighted along with reflecting upon our Catholic faith.
Students will be introduced to:
Mary - Mother of Jesus
The Holy Family - Jesus, Mary and Joseph
The Holy Trinity
The Bible
Liturgical seasons
Weekly Mass
Respect and forgiveness
Traditional prayers: Sign of the cross, Hail Mary, Our Father, Prayer to the Guardian Angel, Grace Before Meals and Spontaneous Prayer
Written prayers at our Prayer Center
Our Quiet Hearts – silent prayer
Language Arts - Literacy In entering our Kindergarten, many of our students will begin their educational journey with different levels of emerging readiness.
Our focus will be:
Writing from left-right
Print uppercase and lowercase letters
Learn to communicate in writing -grade appropriate
Draw a picture to show a sequence of a story
Draw, dictate and write to state an opinion, inform, and narrate an event
Literature Our Kindergarten will be introduced to many Reading-Foundation Skills, Reading Fluency and Comprehension Skills and Reading Text Features.
Our focus will be:
Name uppercase/lowercase letters in alphabetical and random order
CVC word pattern
Name consonant, short vowel, and long vowel sounds
Divide words into syllables
Compound words
Text connections
Sight words
Identify characters, setting, plot and main idea of the story
Read with grade appropriate fluency
Recognize fiction from nonfiction
Identify authors and illustrators
Handwriting Our Kindergarten students will experience which hand is their comfortable dominant hand for writing. Many will be assisted with the proper pencil grip to help guide them on the correct way to hold their pencil.
Our focus will be:
Using a pencil grip
Forming letters neatly and correctly
Apply in our daily work
Spelling and Vocabulary The Kindergarten students will be learning sight words each week through Our Reading Program.
Our focus will be:
Learning the required sight words
Using these sight words in our daily written work
Mathematics Our Kindergarten students develop their math skills through many hands-on manipulatives.
Our focus will be:
Identify numbers 0- 100
Skip count by 10’s
Count by 1’s to 100, 2’s 20, 5’s to 100 and 10’s to 100
Sort and classify objects
Measurement with non-standard units
Ordinal counting to 10
Identify plane and solid shapes
Analyze, graph and interpret data
Addition and subtraction using manipulatives to 10
Science Our Kindergarten students will explore many experiences through our Scientific World.
Our focus will be:
Forces and Interactions: Pushes and Pulls
Ecosystem: Animals, Plants and their environment
Weather and Climate
STEM activities
Social Studies Our Kindergarten students discover the world around us, past, present and future.